[Ansteorra-rapier] Queens Champion tournament information

Traci traci at crimsonvision.net
Mon Apr 2 16:07:25 PDT 2012

A follow up to my initial missive:

The 5 styles for the Swiss 5 will be: open hand, rapier & dagger, buckler,
cloak and 2 sword where the swords can be any legal length including
mismatched lengths.

There will not be 'set style rounds' rather the fighters may chose when to
use which style as long as they use all 5.

The byes are destructive.

Double kills will be re-fought once & if doubled again both fighters take a

I hope this covers everything & I look forward to seeing you all there!
Princess Elizabeta

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa <
princess at coronet.ansteorra.org> wrote:

> Greetings Friends!
> Queen's Champion is almost upon us & I am writing today to share with you
> my wishes for the day!
> I would like Letters of Intent from all those entering the list; they can
> be mailed ahead of time or presented the day of. Please be so kind as *not*
> to send via email; I ask this of you as I wish to have a physical
> remembrance of each and every one of you that honors me with your presence!
> The list will be a 'Swiss 5' with 10 fighters advancing to fight a
> single-elimination best two-out-of-three tournament to determine the
> Queen's Champion. The final 10 will not only be chosen from those with the
> best fighting records but I will also be choosing from fighters who impress
> me! I charge all of you to observe other fighters and share with me acts of
> chivalry and grace above & beyond the high level we have here in our fair
> Kingdom among our rapier community to start with.
> I hope as many of you as possible can make it out to share this special
> day with me; I have so many wonderful memories from my first Queens that I
> am overjoyed to be able to add new memories as well as a new bond with my
> next Champion.
> Thank you!
> Princess Elizabeta
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