[Ansteorra-rapier] Proposed revision to rapier rules

Barone Orlando Di Gilead orlando at agilejedi.com
Thu Oct 11 08:05:47 PDT 2012

Long thread and possibly I missed the discussion about the relation between
our armor requirements and epees. I hold no malice towards epees although
mine has become a pell in the last few years. I do hold malice towards the
puncture resistant amor we wear.

Would restricting our weapons to heavy rapier move us closer to dispensing
with puncture resistant armor?

HE Orlando

On Thursday, October 11, 2012, Howard Rachel wrote:

> You're right.  The carpet armor is a perfect analogy.  Some folks DO still
> use it --disguised-- on the body, to replicate a lack of obvious armor,
> though its use has declined.  Perfect analogy.  I wouldn't want to outlaw
> carpet armor.., either.  Doing so would be the worst sort of bullying.
> The "out of period" nature of foils and epees, as an argument for
> eliminating them, fails for me, as well.  As long as the SCA uses rattan to
> emulate swords (in the face of more realistic and available simulators!),
> my disbelief is sufficient to overlook foils and epees.  I find this to be
> a red herring argument.
> However.., the apparently increasing lack of experience on the part of the
> marshalate to inspect foils and epees might be a good reason to consider
> eliminating foils and epees.  So, too, the inertia of SCA-wide change.
> Even "the will of the people" ought to encourage a debate.  Use for adults
> training with youth, too.  BUT, these are these are reasons to *discuss
> it and recommend several courses of action (and the pros/cons of each) to
> the decision-makers*.  On their face, they are, in my opinion,
> insufficient to support an ill-informed going in position for
> the elimination of foil and epee.
> I could not agree more strongly with Don Tivar and Don Robin.
> Don Kazimir
> .., yeah, I don't live there anymore
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Peter Wohlers <donpieter at aol.com> wrote:
>> Yes much better than the car analogy.
>> Thanks
>> P
>> Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 11, 2012, at 8:29 AM, Andrew Heinrich <andrew.heinrich at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Greetings,
>> >
>> > Regarding the somewhat lacking car analogy - we don't wear carpet armor
>> anymore, either. It works, it's functional, and it's cheap, but we don't
>> use it. And we don't use it because it breaks our evolving aesthetic, and
>> is simply and objectively inferior as an armor simulator. Much like an epee
>> and a foil is an objectively inferior rapier simulator.
>> >
>> > - Mateo
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > it is good to know, it is better to do, it is best to be.
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