[Ansteorra-rapier] Queens Champion is coming SOON!

Carl Fryday gassion_de_beaumarchais at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 19 11:12:47 PDT 2016

Awesome!  And for those wondering if anyone will be willing, I'll gladly except any requests to fight C&T at Queens.


On Apr 19, 2016, at 1:10 PM, Sean Hertzberg <colsith at gmail.com<mailto:colsith at gmail.com>> wrote:

Greetings all,

A quick follow up about Queen's Champion.

Having discussed with Her Majesty, her wish is that she wishes to see everyone's "best fights".  If this means that you and your opponent should desire to use C&T as your style (and you are both authorized for it, obviously), then this is perfectly acceptable selection for Her Tourney.

Again, C&T Champion List will be on Saturday of Steppes Warlord, but C&T WILL be an option for Queen's Champion.

Thank you.
In service to Kingdom and Cronw, always,
Don Avery Shaw, MoD
Kingdom Rapier Marshal

On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 6:50 PM, Sean Hertzberg <colsith at gmail.com<mailto:colsith at gmail.com>> wrote:
Ansteorran Rapier Fighters!

Queen's Champion will be here soon!
Per Her Majesty Sonja's decree, the format for Her Champion List will be:

First 5 Rounds will be a round robin, styles not determined...Her Majesty has stated that she likes to see good, hard fights, so bring your best. Everyone is guaranteed at least 5 fights!

The chance to drop out of the list will be after Round 5. At this point, the top remaining 16 fighters will move to a single elimination, best 2 out of 3 Elimination Tree.

Further information will be coming, but this is the basics of what she has requested.

Ansteorra, bring your best, come show your Honor and your Prowes...for Her Majesty Sonja....VIVAT!

Don Avery Shaw, MOD
Kingdom Rapier Mashal


Ou l'ange borde la bete


Ou l'ange borde la bete
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