[Ansteorra-rapier] Queen's Champion - Letters of Intent

Sean Hertzberg colsith at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 07:03:15 PDT 2016

Greetings to all those who would vie to be Champion to Her Most Stellar
Majesty, Sonja,

Her Majesty has let it be known that she would ask all those who would be
fighting in Queen's Champion to please let her know your intent to enter
Her List.  This can be done in two parts.

First, is the informational part.  If fighters would please send a simple
email to her at crown at ansteorra.org, stating your intent to enter the
list.  This is done so that we can get a basic idea of how many will be in
the list.  She would prefer that you get this to her by the Wednesday
before the Tourney (May 11th).

The second part is a request for formal Letters of Intent.  These would be
the more proper, physical works.  Again, these are not required, but it
would please Her Majesty to have them as a token to remember the day.  The
formal Letters of Intent may be presented up to the morning of the Tourney
(May 14th).  And yes, getting a letter to her early would be very
acceptable as well.  Have fun with these, make Her Majesty smile!

Sending the notification and presenting your Letter of Intent are not
requirements to enter Queen's Champion, but doing so would make Her Majesty
happy.  Yes, this is a BIG HINT. :-)

In service to Kingdom and Crown,
Don Avery Shaw, MoD
Kingdom Rapier Marshl
Ou l'ange borde la bete
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