[Ansteorra-rapier] Tavern Brawl at Beltane !

Barone Orlando Di Gilead orlando at agilejedi.com
Fri Apr 22 16:32:31 PDT 2016

Beltane is just around the corner!

In addition to all the great games, join us for the Torchlight Rapier
Tavern Brawl! Great fun for fighters and spectators alike. Watch as your
favorite duelists  fight to the death over a rubber chicken. Laugh as
swordsman struggle to regain their blades before being run thru by others.
Be thrilled by the spectacle of grown adults playing musical chairs....with
swords! The fun begins when the sun sets, Friday night, Beltane!

Learn more here: http://beltane.namron.ansteorra.org/combat-activities

In service,
Don Orlando Giovanni


Checkout my blog @ http://blog.agilejedi.com
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Follow me on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/theagilejedi
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