[Ansteorra-rapier] Academy of the Rapier is this Weekend!

Barone Orlando Di Gilead orlando at agilejedi.com
Thu Sep 1 13:06:23 PDT 2016

Greetings Ansteorra,

Kingdom Academy of the Rapier is this weekend! We have a full day of
scholarship planned and instructors from all over the Kingdom! If you have
not seen the class schedule yet then it can be viewed here:
http://tinyurl.com/aor-classes-2016 . The main event website can be seen
here: http://bonwicke.ansteorra.org/?p=Champions

We have a combination indoor and outdoor classes on all subjects from
fencing techniques to the history of SCA rapier. Their Majesties are
hosting both a White Scarf and MoD circle. The Barony of Bonwicke has
planned A&S classes and their Chivalric Tournament. Finally, to top it all
off, The Barony of Bonwicke will host their baronial rapier championship on
Sunday. So, don't miss this great opportunity!

Don Orlando Giovanni
AoR Coordinator

Checkout my blog @ http://blog.agilejedi.com
Checkout my homepage @ http://www.agilejedi.com
Follow me on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/theagilejedi
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