[Ansteorra-rapier] New Kingdom Rapier Marshal

Sean Hertzberg colsith at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 08:05:16 PDT 2016

As I have stated, I will be stepping down as KRM at Coronation, October
15.  Thank you all who have worked so hard to help make this job a lot
easier than it can be.  Especial thanks to our Marshallate Secretary, Lady
Simcha...you are amazing.  Also, to the Regionals...you guys rock.

At Coronation, Master Donovan Fitzpatrick will be taking over as the new
Ansterorran KRM.  He will do a fine job and I look forward to my
retirement. :)

In addition, Lord Marquet will be stepping down at the same time as
Northern Regional Rapier Marshal, Lord Cornelius will be taking his place.
Thank you to Marquet for all your work.

Thank you all for making the last 2 years quite enjoyable.  Being KRM was
an office I have wished to try for a while, was glad to find out I could do
it and nothing exploded. :)

In service to Kingdom and Crown, always,
Don Avery Shaw, MoD
(soon to be ex-)KRM Ansteorra


Ou l'ange borde la bete
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