[Ansteorra-textiles] gulf war bags

Morgan Cain (Ansteorra) morgancain at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 3 04:46:56 PST 2002

> No offense ment but there is no one "official" bag making group...

Ah.  It just sounded as if HRH asked Rosenfeld to do it again, and therefore
(from the comments some people made turning down my suggestion that the
Textiles Guild offer to amke bags) no other group's efforts are needed in
that area.

I was just trying to think of a way to let people know the Guild is here and
we do stuff!

One thing about "edible provisions" is that I always make sure to put them
into plastic bags inside the pretty ones.  Not only so the fiber bags stay
cleaner, but you don't get small uninvited guests helping themselves to the
goodies..... (well, occasionally children and squires, but they look cute
and can be forgiven <g>).

                                                ---= Morgan

"There is no problem so serious that it cannot be set
  right by a sensible woman in an afternoon."
                              (From "The Madwoman of Chaillot")
"We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces, saying
 'Whiskey for my men, and beer for my horses.' "
                ---= Willie Nelson and Toby Keith

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