Bards - feed back needed

jonwillowpel at jonwillowpel at
Sun Aug 6 18:18:05 PDT 2000

I have been trying to express Jonathan's and mine opinion on role
playing. I am not sure this hits the mark.  Please look this over and
give feedback.

Recently there has been a lot of talk impliing that  roleplaying is not
needed. I personally believe that everyone has a right to display their
interest in the SCA in their own way but I would like to comment that a
little bit of role playing is needed. Many people talk about the "good
things" of the SCA "the dream". They talk about nobility, honor, courtesy
and graciousness. They talked about how they are not always found in the
"mundane" world. And they talk about our losing these things in our
kingdoms. The ideals of the SCA come alive when we play the SCA game. Our
titles and the courtesies we do are  perfect examples. They have no
meaning in the regular world they only have meaning in the medieval
construct we have created to experience the middle ages. When we become
too real we become mundane and the values of the real world become
paramount. If we want the ideals of the SCA to be important to the people
in the SCA we need to do some role playing to make sure our make believe
world seems real.
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