[Bards] What's your Favorite Piece?

willow Taylor willowjonbardc at juno.com
Wed Jun 18 20:49:55 PDT 2003

You folks are going to make me get my ancient and honorable, over 25
years old, dying bard book out.

According to my bard's book I got this in a book on Welsh poetry of the
6th century called the Book of Aneirin. This is suppose to be the oldest
Welsh poem in Manuscript form. 

I shall not argue even for an hour tonight, 
	my retinue is not over great;
I and my Frank, about our kettle

I shall not sing or laugh or kiss tonight
	though we have drunk flowing mead;
I and my Frank, about our bowl.

Let no one ask me for mirth tonight,
	poor is my retinue.
Two lords my boast together, one but speaks. 

Has a leader of fighters I have had this experience. At the Ancient
Cattle Raid of Piecumbreua
I spent the evening with all of my troops, two mercenaries.  My family
and kin had gone to the wrong campsite and didn't show up until the next

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