[Bards] What was the best bardic circle you ever attended and why?

Geneva or Tracy Tanner tanner.g at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 8 06:44:50 PST 2006

Well here I go jumping in again 
  I guess I would have to say that my fave bardic circle would have to be the last campfire I had in Caid we had about 30 people sitting around the camp fire and the Stronghold was singing their signature song in about 8 part harmony. it was the last song I heard them sing before every one started to leave and it was the last song I heard them as a group sing before I left Caid. I left the next day to move to Meridies. So it was and still is a most memorable moment I am hoping to join it with others from this kingdom.
  Thank you for letting me share I will return you to you regular postings 
  Lady Gwen

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