[Bards] Truly's opinion on a few things

Genie Barrett maggie.gene at justinanimator.com
Thu Nov 16 05:55:23 PST 2006

>Sounds to me, Maggie, like you have some good inspiration and ideas 
>to get involved with the next Ansteorran Bardic Collegium. :)  We 
>didn't get one scheduled for this year unfortunately, but there's 
>talk now of the BBC event and I believe Westgate is going to be 
>having bardic classes at their collegium event in June 2007.  :)

As a matter of fact, I do....GRIN

But then, I was one of the teachers for the last one, too.

Oh, how I would love for "Mistress" (sorry, but you are so very 
excellent all the same) Elenaor to come and teach ME a master singing 
class.  GRIN.

Getting oh-so-very excited about this,

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