[Bards] Queen's College of Bards

Simone Ui'Dunlaingh simonemu at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 05:18:17 PDT 2006

When Willow was Last Primer Bard of Ansteorra, and Count Daffyd and
Countess Octavia Sat as our royal crown. The Bardic College which had
been at one time Disbaned was reinstated. a New charter  created and
signed  By thier royals. For several years I was privleged to be the
information Cordinator for the college till it was my turn to step
down when  Sir Pendaren served as Our Kingdom Bard. Though I do not
know who if anyone is our current College information cordinatior. I
still have copys of the records from my tenure as well as the charter


Muirenn ingen Senáin uí Dúnlaing.
We will be with you in the
fellowship of the spirit, and you
will surley meet some of us
as you TRUDGE the road of
happy destiny--bigbook 164

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