[Bards] in response to Esther

Esther reese_esther at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 31 12:30:15 PST 2006

Okay. My turn to be blunt.
  I think the Eistefodd needs to be somebody's Baby. On a regular, regulated basis -- more than just the Kingdom Bard. I would suggest the MoAS Deputy for Bardic be responsbile for the nuts and bolts of the even that is Eistefodd, working with the current champion for that years format.
  The Event needs to be the responsibility of an office. The FORMAT of the COMPETITION would be the responsibilty of the Kingdom Bard, as it is now.
  What say y'all?

Michael Silverhands <silverhands at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
On Oct 31, 2006, at 12:42 PM, Esther wrote:

> I didn't edit, because I think it's relevant....
> What if there was a qualifier for the Eistefodd, as there is often 
> a qualifier for other events -- say, a letter of intent, as one 
> would for a tournament of this stature, and a number of 
> competitions that needed to be entered, something to show experience.
> And the group champions would be waived those entrance 
> requirements, as the expectation would be that if you win a group 
> champtionship, you will represent that group in front of the 
> Kindgom, as part of the responsibility you have taken on.
> Just thoughts....
> Esther

Those are interesting ideas. It also occurs to me that, by raising 
the bar and making it slightly more difficult to enter, we might 
increase the *interest* (and maybe decrease the *fear*) of entering, 
and thus paradoxically increase the number of entrants.

I guess it all boils down to promoting the Eisteddfod, advertising it 
and increasing its prestige (which largely depends on awareness and 
appreciation (of bardcraft in general, and the Eisteddfod in 
particular)). This also could have the net effect of promoting 
bardcraft across the board -- and not just competitions, but all 
venues for performance.

These are obviously just ideas, possible suggestions for *future* 
Eisteddfods, but having said that -- how about these for a starting 
list of "talking points" for requirements:
* you need a letter of intent
* you need to be sponsored by either a branch noble, a Peer, or a 
former Kingdom Bard
* a person can only sponsor one entrant
* if you are a current (or former?) branch or kingdom champion, you 
don't need a sponsor
* but you still need a letter of intent
* how about an oath before the competition starts -- similar to the 
one the knights take at the start of Crown -- stating both your 
*ability* and *intent* to serve in all aspects as the Kingdom's Bard 
should you win?
* for that matter, how about such an oath for *local* championships, 

It seems to me that the more we can "dress up" the competition with 
theater, customs, formality, etc., the more prestigious it will be 
seen to be. It could make more people want to enter.

Just more thoughts.

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