[Bards] Speaking of Dreams and solutions

Beth celtic_wolff at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 22 11:00:07 PDT 2008

Your Grace,
  I loved all of your ideas, and I too remember some of these happy occasions from my past. I for one would love to take part in any of the occasions that should come about while I am at an event. I hope that others will also be so moved and we can revive some of the former joy and fun we used to have.

"Little girls, this seems to say, Never stop upon your way. 
Never trust a stranger-friend; No one knows how it will end. 
As you're pretty, so be wise; Wolves may lurk in every guise. 
Handsome they may be, and kind, Gay, or charming never mind! 
Now, as then, 'tis simple truth... 
Sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth!"
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