[Bards] A Contest of Wits

sam cooper samatha.cooper at gmail.com
Thu May 8 13:26:51 PDT 2008

Come all the most clever, the most facile of words, the quickest of wits -
come and contest against your peers for chance shall rule in the night.

At Warlord, seek out the a 10 by 10 foot white squared pavillion, topped by
a pennant of the Coastal Region's colors, there to find the honorable Gaelic
ladies Wyllow and Si'le who invite all honorable gentles to share their fire
and partake of their hospitality for a contest of wit by riddles. Some
chairs shall be provided, but praythee bring your own for greatest comfort
- if not too great a burden.

Small tokens of respect and admiration shall be awarded as the ladies' and
other guests' whims and humor chance, as suits a such a contest as might
appeal to Loki and all mischief-makers of quick wit and quicker feet. Any
answers doubted shall be set to the judgement of the gathering entire - or
to one of your lady hosts' whimful decision, as what could be more of chance
entire than a woman's choice?

This may fall upon the evening of Friday, or the dark of Saturday - or upon
both if enough guests are willing to try besting another with their most
cunning riddle. Find our camp and join in the riddling ring to stump and
befuddle all challengers!

Si'le inghean ui MagAoidh
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