[Bards] Willow's surgery

willowjonbardc at juno.com willowjonbardc at juno.com
Sat Dec 26 01:34:47 PST 2009

Hello my fellow bards.
Do you know those "spells" I was having and my Doctor told me I had small arteries. Well they rechecked them a month and now I am having a Bypass Wed
The good thing is my heart is sound ,but the bad thing is my arteries might be really bad. 
the surgery is on Wed morning. I am pretty OK with it except I want a party before I go and I can't even find anyone around to sit and talk with. I am bored. I wish I could get together with you all and party till the Surgery
I am worried about Jonathan. He is going to be all alone during the surgery. He says he is OK but it makes me sad. 
We are in Arlington at the In-Town Suite. 817-795-0800 ext 209. Please feel free to call or send me your number. All of our numbers are in Tulsa. Call me and I will share stories
If everything goes well I will be laid up for a while with nothing to do. This would be a great time to get all that history out of my head. 
I love you all and wish I could hug you all.
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