[Bards] Written .Critique

willowjonbardc at juno.com willowjonbardc at juno.com
Wed Jan 21 21:35:24 PST 2009

There was a question on written  critique? 

I hate it. I have never gotten a written critique that didn't put my teeth on edge. I usually just go to the bottom of the page see who wrote it and go talk to them. This way I skip getting my feelings hurt. 

Also I didn't join a medieval culture group to experience modern written memos. I joined because I need and want human interaction.

What makes a performance for someone and what ruins it is often something very subtle and I have met very few people who can express that kind of thing in the written form. A few minutes with a judge explaining how I came across to them is worth more in feedback than pages and pages of written comment. 

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