[Bards] Kingdom Eisteddfod - judge needed

Catrin ferch Maelgwn ladycatrin at gmail.com
Sun Nov 29 17:32:22 PST 2009

Good Eve, all--

I am still seeking one more judge for the Kingdom Bardic competition,
to be held this coming Saturday at Stargate Yule.

I would love to have the assistance of another past Premier Bard, or a
Laurel who is conversant with the bardic arts; however, as many of
those individuals will themselves be participating in the competition,
I won't make it an absolute requirement at this point.  I know there
are many in our fair Kingdom who have extensive knowledge of the
bardic arts, and enough experience with performing, observing, and
critiquing that I would feel comfortable having them at my side to
judge this Kingdom level championship.  If you will be attending
Stargate Yule and feel confident that you could assist with judging,
please contact me.  Given the caliber of our Ansteorran bards, I can
promise that judging won't be an easy task, but you will be treated to
a marvelous show.

In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Lady Catrin ferch Maelgwn
Bard of Ansteorra

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