[Bards] Bryn Gwlad Bardic at Candlemas

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 11:13:49 PST 2011

Good Gentles all,

On February 5th, the Barony of Bryn Gwlad will host Candlemas.  Their
Excellencies will choose a new bard to serve the great Barony of Bryn
Gwlad.  It has been a great honor to serve Baron Avery and Baroness Gwenneth
and the Barony as Their Bard, but it is time for a new bard to be selected
to serve the new Halberd Lord and Lady, Pug and Myfanwy.

Their Excellencies are requiring three pieces which evoke differing emotions
from the audience.  At least one piece must be sung and at least one must be
spoken (story or poem) . Special consideration will be given to period
pieces, original pieces, and pieces which keep in the theme of Spain in the
year 1550. Documentation is not required.

For more information on the event, please visit
If you have any questions, please contact me at brianoftheloch at gmail.com.

In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam
Bard of Bryn Gwlad

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