[Bards] Year-Long Challenge for all Ansteorran Bards

Jay Rudin rudin at peoplepc.com
Wed Jan 14 06:50:21 PST 2015

The official rules will be out by the end of January, guaranteed. I hope to have the complete first draft ready by Red Tape this weekend, for people to comment on, and the final in time for people to start at Bonwicke. But I guarantee it before Winterkingdom.

I hope to round it out to ten challenges, for a Bardic Decathlon. To enter the final end-of-year challenge, you will need to complete seven or eight (haven't decided) of the challenges, but I will give a prize to anyone who completes all ten.

Several will be challenges that any bard can simply decide to do (perform an original piece, perform another bard's piece, perform in three regions or kingdoms). But some will require some judge to agree that you have achieved it (entertain a Rose, perform a period-style piece), and you may have to try more than once.

Any questions? Any suggestions on challenges?

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin
Premier Bard of Ansteorra

-----Original Message-----
>From: AJ <reinette1 at aol.com>
>Sent: Jan 13, 2015 12:18 PM
>To: reibushi at gmail.com, bards at lists.ansteorra.org
>Subject: Re: [Bards] Year-Long Challenge for all Ansteorran Bards
>Im super excited!  When do we start?  How do we sign up?  what are the official rules?  thanks!

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