[Bg-dance] Intermediate & European dance guild This Sunday

Cindy Derrick cindy at mccr.org
Tue Jan 19 07:58:54 PST 2010

Good morning,

I would like to met with all the dancers who wish to dance the candle 
dance at 5 pm. Table lighters please attend this meeting at 6 pm where 
we will practice with the musicians. I hope to have the table 
arrangement from the  steward .

 Gaston and I met Monday and discussed Amororo for the Candlemas dance. 
Dancers will work with musicians on Sunday 6 -8.
8 piva's
 A - single single piva strutting RLR
 B-3 piva's close
Combined ( A turn reverance B)  x1 Alternating (Lord Lady Lord)
3 repeats

    Body of dancers on dance floor
Intro Rev to head of hall.  Begin the dance piva and light first table 
continue the dance. Piva to second table light light the table. The 
third dance section should be in full hall light.
    My table lighters only. Please come to the dance floor rev to head 
of hall Piva to back of hall once you see candles lit on the head table 
begin to light the back tables.From this point on I would ask simple 
walk and light candles . I do not believe the back tables will have 
enough room for dancing between the tables.

I will speak to Steward to see how many candle holders will be placed  
for us  to light. I plan is to light one candle at each end of the table 
and let guests light all the rest. I did not want the dancers slowed 
down to light every candle.


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