[Bordermarch] Fwd: [wyrmgeistdragoncave] This is very disturbing. Ciar de Burgo

Lisa Baumer elenek1 at msn.com
Mon Nov 3 17:57:04 PST 2003

The following came through on my new shire's list.  I thought I would share.


On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 11:37, Cyndi Wise wrote: My search bot found this from 


This is really not good.  Once again, it brings to the fore how much we 
parents need to be paying attention to what happens with our kids, SCA or 
otherwise. YIS, Gwynneth Damn! I thought so when I saw the URL--that's my 
hometown newspaper. Which means it's the group I played with for a few of 
the years I was away from Calontir.I don't recognize the mundane name--but 
that doesn't mean anything. Scheisse! Folks, it's already been said pretty 
eloquently here on Calon list, but bear with an aging grandfather...There's 
no such thing as absolute security, but if we teach our kids,watch our kids, 
and watch each other, we can minimize the risks.  One of the best defenses 
is a friendly "You shouldn't have to watch the kids by yourself--let me help 
you." It makes the legitimate care-giver feel less over-burdened and denies 
the predator the solitude that provides an opening.
Yours in Service,
Alte Barthe--       ld_barthel at yahoo.com | http://geocities.com/ld_barthel
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