[Bordermarch] A service most appreciated...

lisabetta lisabetta at houston.rr.com
Thu Sep 11 06:41:01 PDT 2003

Armand, and Catrin, 

Very well said. 

in service, 

At Thursday, 11 September 2003, you wrote:

>Lady Isabella...
>This barony and all of this Kingdom owe you an applause. You have 
>most admirably and honorably within the office of the chronicler.
You and
>the Lamar University group have given much of yourselves and you 
all have
>stepped up when you were needed. 
>Sometimes when the days go by, we forget to appreciate the warmth 
of the
>sun...her light and her presence. We would not be where we are today if
>it were not for the desire and passion of all whom bring to this. Any
>office within this society is a much needed service to ensure stability.

>No matter the position, all need support and understanding. 
>Shires, Cantons and Baronies are only as strong as the people within
>them. Hope feeds this strength...
>We all look to Tomorrow with great anticipation, may we never forget to
>embrace Today.
>All of you have reminded me of that, Thank you.
>    ever yours...
>                  Armand
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