[Bordermarch] for posterity's sake

Richard and Debra Parrish armand_caitrin at juno.com
Thu Apr 15 21:23:06 PDT 2004

Ldy Isabella...

On Thu, 15 Apr 2004 18:15:30 -0500 "charles netterville"
<cnetterville at ih2000.net> writes:
> I just wanted to post a quick note that was forwarded to me. The 
> Shadowlands hosted their event last week and a local member came 
> away with the A&S Championship. The next time any of you see the 
> Lovely Ly. Issabella, ( yes, Jackie ) give her a big hug and say 
> congratulations and thanks for your enthusiasm and hard work. 
> Undoubtedly, this was one of her masterfully done scholarly pieces 
> that have become so popular throughout the kingdom. Ly. Issabella, I 
> can't wait to read this one. 
> In servitiae Christe et Coronae
> Ld. Elrique

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