[Bordermarch] Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 a rebuttal

Ivy Crane anniemarieblack at msn.com
Tue Jul 6 16:52:54 PDT 2004

Grr. I'm just going to stay out of politics until i'm old enough to effect 
them. i see goods points and bad points to all sides I've read. Please 
ingnore ALL statements i have posted regarding this topic.
     "The consequence of refusing to parcipate in out politics is we are to 
be ruled by our inferiors."

>From: "charles netterville" <cnetterville at ih2000.net>
>Reply-To: Barony of Bordermarch <bordermarch at ansteorra.org>
>To: "Barony of Bordermarch" <bordermarch at ansteorra.org>
>Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 a rebuttal
>Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 18:35:34 -0500
>   Alright, one more time, just for the thrill of the debate...
>   I am the one that started this and it has been a good debate ...alittle 
>one sided (For George W.)but ..that's O.K....
>   What did you expect, posting to a list of typically the most chivilrous 
>and conservative mindset individuals on the face of the planet? This is the 
>S.C.A., not the D.N.C.
>   I totally support our Troops no matter where they are ...That is not in 
>question....However ...I would like for you all realizes something that I 
>can not over look....in all the talk and defending of George W.(and our 
>troops) each and everyone of you'll have said >>>If you don't like it 
>..."Shut your mouth" or "keep your opinions to yourself"...Well, here is a 
>new debate .....If we are fighting for freedom and the right to do what we 
>want too....Where is my freedom of Speech..without being told to "Shut my 
>Mouth".....read the E-mails....
>   No Kandace, you read the e-mails. Where in any of my posts did I tell 
>you to shut your mouth??? No where..
>   I believe in the right to free speech and and the right to wield it even 
>if the wielder does so with utter disregard for the rights of others. Do 
>people want to hear what you had to say? some of them perhaps, still others 
>would have to concider this rhetoric a direct attack on the very military 
>you now claim to support. Do you hold a very unpopular view? Yes, I believe 
>you do. I don't feel that the left would have gotten as far as it has 
>without the help of the biased media that you unfortunately have fallen 
>victom to. Did others on this list tell you to shut up? Yes, they did. Do 
>you understand why yet? I'm sure you don't. However, I feel that if you 
>follow an open minded study of what you're being told things will stop 
>adding up and we'll be on the same page. That's what happens when liberals 
>start acknowledging the facts.
>   I do disagree with George W...and who he is and what he lets you think 
>is he stands for ....In case you haven't heard,..If anybody says anything 
>against the Bush encampment ...that is their pat answer  "Shut your Mouth"  
>...we still have not heard about the Capture of Ben Laden and his band of 
>   More of the talking points. Aren't you tired of this yet? First they 
>said until we take control of Afganistan , then we did. Then it was well, 
>unless we capture the murderous thugs that sadaam called sons, then Bush 
>hasn't come through.. Then he did. Then it was we still haven't caught 
>Sadaam, so Bush is still failing. and then we did...
>   On average it looks like our boys, working with the Iraqis have stopped 
>about 80% of the terrorist activities that were about to go off. Right now, 
>if Bin Laden were captured, Al Quida surrendered all of thier weapons and 
>converted to judaism Bush would still be a failier for something in the 
>eyes of the democrats, no matter how much good he's done, you're still 
>going to hear the spin against him. Look with your eyes, not the eyes of a 
>liberally biased so called journalist.
>   (They're safe in Saudi)....Human rights or woman's rights being taking 
>care of over there??? ...
>   Human rights? WOMEN'S RIGHTS????? Are you kidding me??? I'm not even 
>going to answer this. Study Muslim culture and the role of a woman in the 
>middle East. Then write to me about the rights of women over there not 
>being up to par.
>   and yes we maybe rebuilding a school ..but we blew it up....
>   But are you sure? We targeted military targets. If they had comondered a 
>school or a hospital as a terrorist hide out than what choice did those 
>boys have huh????? Give something remotely intelligent regarding this one.
>   When we went over there only 75% of urban areas had electricity and it 
>was only on averarge available 8 to 10 hours a day. The fact that we have 
>drinkable water and electricity up to 23 hours a day now says volumes of 
>the positive mark our guys are having over there.
>   Yes I think those Leaders over there are Self-righteous Zealots who want 
>to burn the world down....
>   That would be why we took them out of power, remember? The same conflict 
>that you're complaining about now...
>   but in the same thought , I am reminded that in the U.S.,.. we have 
>Children going hungry everyday ,..we have people Sleeping in Boxes and 
>eating out of dumpers..we have dead beat Dad and mothers that never think 
>of their children having to have a roof over the heads....we have our 
>elderly that can not pay for Meds or have to buy can dog food just to 
>survive on ,....
>   Nope, can't let you get away with that balogna either... President Bush 
>just passed the most comprehensive Senior drug plan since Rooseverlt signed 
>the welfafe act into law, we have government programs running out the wazzu 
>for food, housing assistance, utility bill assistance and homeless 
>advocasy. By in far, if someone is on the streets, it's not the 
>government's fault. It's theirs because they've done more than ANY other 
>country on the face of the planet to prevent it.
>   So far as the starving children go, Show them to me... Show me the poor 
>little darlings with bloated bellies dying from worm infestation asnd 
>malnutrition. Are you serious?????
>   We have a drug addition here that is unprecedented in any other 
>Country...(our answer ,,,Build more Prisons and hide them away)...why are 
>we not 'cleaning our own back yards" when we are willing to "mow" someone 
>else's front yard ?....
>    What on earth are you talking about?? I'm a recovering drtug addict and 
>an alcoholic. Addiction isn't a government crisis and how darew you try and 
>blame them for it. It's an issue of charactor and until that individual 
>comes to his/her sences and reaches down to find that charactor, they are a 
>menace to society and to themselves. I can speak from a first person 
>standing on that issue. It's not a matter of building more prisons to hide 
>or cover up anything. It's the bleeding hearts thinking they can reform 
>these poor lost souls who, by the way will never have anything until they 
>wany it... Sobriety included.
>   you want to support Americans ...the next time your at a restaurant 
>eating a good meal and you see a homele! ss person on the street...why 
>don't YOU go and invite them in and feed them...why don't YOU help them out 
>with a place to sleep for the night?..
>   Ever heard the saying, give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach 
>a man to fish and he'll eat for the rest of his life?
>   Nuf said? Have you spent any time with the homeless? I have. Do you 
>realize how many do it through choice? Do you realize how much money they 
>can take in on a busy afternoon panhandling on a street corner? No, I'm not 
>saying that every homeless person is like that and some genuinely are down 
>on thier luch and just need a boost. Here again, any idea of how many 
>government programs are in place to help them too?????
>   Last time I looked they were American  just like you ...when you realize 
>that 80% of us are one pay check away from just like them ...where is your 
>passion...where is your out rage.....
>   Rage? Passion? You're out of you mind with rage and it's getting you 
>nowhere. And no, I'm about three paychecks from being homeless. So you know 
>what? If I lose this job, it's MY responsibility to get another one. It's 
>MY responsiobility to care for my kids, it's MY responsibility to make sure 
>that doesn't happen. MY RESPONSIBILITY....
>   Not the government, not G.W. Bush, NOt you, not my friends, my family, 
>Sadaam Hussain, or any other living sole.
>   Keep this in mind when you start spouting about RAGE. Where is MY rage? 
>Directed at people who want to make it more difficult for me to open a 
>business and follow MY American dream. MY rage is directed to those who 
>tel;l me I should pay more taxes becuser they know better how to spend my 
>money that I do. MY rage is directed at people who would cripple our 
>military and C.I.A. to the point where another 9/11 can happen to start 
>with... Don't mistake rage for passion. The two never interchange and since 
>both are emotional reactions they preclude logic. Without logic, we're 
>liable to believe the rhetoric you're spouting without even knowing your 
>own facts.
>   Oh yea...I'm suppose to "KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT" and my opinions to my 
>self....Jan ..I would love to give you things to send over there for the 
>kids ..but ..we have kids right here that do not have pencils and paper for 
>school or books or ..how about shoes and cloths to wear.......and they 
>haven't had a candy bar in a year...
>   How dare you? To single out an individual who genuinely IS down on her 
>luck right now and direct that dribble towards her.
>   This is a fine American who THINKS. Even though she's lost practically 
>everything, she can still communicate those eloquent words she shared with 
>us yesterday and you have the gall to do this? How's this for rage?
>   Oh, By the way, ever hear of the DESK program? That's another one I 
>donate to every year. This one makes sure kids have the pencils, paper etc. 
>You can't show me any naked kids if you were to try and who cares how many 
>candy bars they've eatten in the past year? How about you talk about how 
>many carrots or broccoli sprouts, why candy?
>   I want our troops home safe and sound just like everyone does ...Iraq is 
>in trouble ,no doubt...but so are we ....How do you take out the splinter 
>in your brothers eye... if you don't take the log out of your 
>own....First..remove the log and you can see the splinter....just a thought 
>this a.m.....K....
>   Final word. Anywhere you seek discourse, you'll surely find it. If you 
>seek poverty, you'll find it. If you're looking for the ill in man, yes, 
>you'll find that too. But, if you seek the good, guess what you find? If 
>you seek courage, guess what you find? If you seek charactor, can you 
>guess????? Perhaps you are still seeking to find that log and in the 
>process overlooking all the good that's being accomplished all over the 
>world in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
>   Bush is only a man. He makes suggestions and whether congress and the 
>senate decide to pass it depends on them.
>   It does seem that he's made a whole lot of good decisions, whether you 
>want to give him credit for them or not.
>   Kandace, go and study. Read the facts, not just what the democratic 
>party tells you to believe and then write me back again. Everything I 
>defended with tonight is just information off the top of my head. Now if I 
>can remember this much, imagine how much is out there, just waiting for you 
>to look past the log. Love you, Charles
>Bordermarch mailing list
>Bordermarch at ansteorra.org

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