[Bordermarch] Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 a rebuttal

charles netterville cnetterville at ih2000.net
Tue Jul 6 17:13:12 PDT 2004

Oh no... A girl who quotes, let alone knows who Plato is should never be
Ivy, listen, learn, formulate opinions based on the truth. Learn now what to
look for. Do what you do best. Listen, learn and then make it better. You'd
be surprised how much you at your age can accomplish in the political arena
no matter who you may believe in.
I was about your age when I first began to love the debate. That's all this
is. A debate between friends who differ in opinion. All sides are valued and
welcome. Luvya, Chuck
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivy Crane" <anniemarieblack at msn.com>
To: <bordermarch at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 a rebuttal

> Grr. I'm just going to stay out of politics until i'm old enough to effect
> them. i see goods points and bad points to all sides I've read. Please
> ingnore ALL statements i have posted regarding this topic.
>                                          Lyllianne
>      "The consequence of refusing to parcipate in out politics is we are
> be ruled by our inferiors."
>                                                                  -Plato

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