[Bordermarch] house fire

Jan Aarons loveofhalesworth at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 4 13:44:12 PDT 2004

To the Wonderful People of Ansteorra,
    Thanks to a wonderful friend loaning me a laptop, I am now back online again.
    I wanted to say how greatful I am to all of the wonderful people in the kingdom of Ansteorra, all the phone calls and support has been my saving grace. A special thanks to Lord Malcolm for taking all my phone calls at all hours of the day and night when I didn't have enough strength and he loaned me some of his. For all the wonderful people who has given me a shoulder to lean on and an encouraging word to keep me going. Lorriane, Rachel, Olivia, and Baroness Kezia just to name a very few. I never knew how big my family was until now. Thank you so very much.
    At first all I could see was the loss but now I see all I really have. I lost the little stuff but still have the best stuff my life, my family and the most wonderful friends and family in the whole world.
    I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone with all the donations. I wish to send special hand written thank you notes to everyone. Again I am so greatful and thank you so much for everything. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
Sincerely, Janeene Owens
In Service, Love of Halesworth 
Minister of Arts and Science
Deputy Seneschal
Barony of Ravensfort

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