[Bordermarch] Thank You!

Cindi Picou cdpicou at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 1 22:07:16 PDT 2004

Thank YOU Alexandria, for hosting the demo, inviting your friends & classmates, and for doing such a great job of explaining rapier combat to them!  You certainly have a passion for it, and it shows. Everyone who attended caught their excitement from you.
Ldy Selina of the Wood
Barony Bordermarch

Alexandria Penrose <alexandriapenrose at yahoo.com> wrote:
I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to help with the demo at Lamar.  It was awesome!  Thank You!!!  There was definantly no way I could have pulled that off on my own, especially after seeing the turnout we had. *grin*  Again,  Thank You!
Alexandria Penrose
Shari Wilson

Selina Designs
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world 
Albert Einstein

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