[Bordermarch] Re: [Ravensfort] Name for event

loveofhalesworth loveofhalesworth at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 11 22:58:23 PDT 2004

Thank you so much for the information now we have more to go on for the name. I would love to help out with the Arts and Science display and perhaps if I could convince your Arts and Science Minister, Lord Phocas we could jointly take care of the display. As well I would love to set up the ladies croquet match/game. That sounds absolutely wonderful. A medieval scavenger hunt/quest for the children and if enough interest even an adult one as well. I would be willing to provide the largess for all participants and even a prize for the winners. I will also help as much as possible to set it up.
In Service, Love of Halesworth

RichardandDebra Parrish <armand_caitrin at juno.com> wrote:
The event was set for a time period of .... 1300's - 1400's. " High

It was talked about at this past Round Table. Niklas and I thought it
would be a great idea for our baronies to show some unity and remind
other groups that they can co-event anytime.

The 'rough' set-up consisted of :
Bordermarch handling gate and the rapier scenario.

Ravensfort handling feast, perhaps the chivalric with a pas.. set up by
the 'company of the grail'??

Archery would be welcomed.... but no one has yet to be designated to run
it. Any Volunteers?

An Arts and Science display was encouraged.... any volunteers??

No equestrian was planned, yet a ladies croquet game was thought of.

Bardic was most needed at night, under the stars.
and Feasting within the walls of a castle... with 75-100 prepaid.

That was all I had wrote down....

forgive us, with some demos and Autumn Melees approaching fast.... time
has literally flown by.
also wanted to get past Defender as well... before really making concrete

basically... a laid back "fun event" with a touch of old magic that
started in the early days of Ansteorra.
Perhaps if anyone had any old banners that have been forgotten, would
love to see them.
Childrens quest would be fun to partake in. 
A puppet show?

What would all of you like to see?

February 25-27th are the dates scheduled.

Some pavilions/tents would not be a bad idea....perhaps 9-10 in case of
really cold weather.
As for event stewards.... I think Malcolm of Ravensfort was going to be
the one, with Selina of Bordermarch as a co-steward. Basically both

ever your friend,
Baron of Bordermarch

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