[Bordermarch] Wiesenfeuer Baronials

tessag tessag at ev1.net
Mon Sep 13 20:59:16 PDT 2004

Word was promissed after 12th Night to the Yule Court Higginbothoms that 
we two would attend their September demo across the Sabine River. 
 Simonn and I will day trip.  We will miss RavensFort.

>In all whom go forth, know this.....
>The banner of Bordermarch is displayed proudly! 
>She represents us all.
>Ravensfort is upon the next weeks end.... whom all can go?
>Also on the same wknd is a demo in Blackmoor Keep, our dear friends in
>Meridies... Louisianna. 
>If you can go to Meridies send word as well.
>enjoy your travels.... 

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