[Bordermarch] Re: [ravensmarch] thanks to all

Shane Wallace sdwsdw30 at totalzone.com
Mon Feb 28 17:57:10 PST 2005

Greetings to the baronies of Bordermarch and Raven's Fort,
I would like to echo Lady Selina of the Wood's comments. I would like to 
thank all the volunteers who made this and event  and our little part of 
the dream come true. Your help is deeply appreciated and shall not be 
forgotten. So, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you! ! !
Vivat Bordermarch , Vivat Raven's Fort , Vivat to all the wonderful 
volunteers who make the Dream Come True! ! !
In Service to the Dream, Kingdom, and Baronies,
Lord Malcolm de Crauford
Seneschal of Raven's Fort
Cindi Picou wrote:

> I want to formally thank (again!) everyone who helped to make the 
> RavensMarch event a success. From my esteemed co-event steward, 
> Malcolm du Crauford, to the co-gatekeepers HE Chrystal & Lady Helene, 
> you did a great job. To Lady Annes for coordinating Volunteer point 
> many thanks for a fantastic job! (Picking from the many cool prizes 
> was really fun!) Our Tavern Coordinator, Lord Elrique and Merchant 
> Coordinator, Lady Katrina are worthy of much thanks and praise for a 
> job well done in organizing the wonderful new layout for Merchant's 
> Row - thanks!
> The A&S coordinators, (the NEW) Lady Love and Lord Phocas; and the MoC 
> coordinators, Lady Mary & Lady Gabrielle - a heartfelt thanks for a 
> wonderful job. I wish to thank the wonderful lady from Loch who 
> brought her Barony's Hospitaler pavillion and so graciously offered it 
> to all newcomers at RavensMarch. I am so sorry that I do not remember 
> her name right now (please forgive me.)
> Lord Devin, thanks for producing the very spiffy gate booklet! To HE 
> Brian du Val & HE Armand - the fighters had such a good time. Thanks 
> for creating those scenarios for them, and for all your hard work 
> organizing your marshalls, heralds & fighters. Master Pug, thank you 
> so very much for graciously allowing both Bordermarch & Ravens Fort 
> the priviledge of holding the Royal Huntsman Tourney at our event.
> I also wish to thank all the marshalls & heralds & the people who 
> helped to do waterbearing. This event could not have been possible 
> without your help. To the site set-up and clean-up crews - words 
> cannot possibly convey how thankful I am to you for all your hard 
> work. (A special thanks goes to Sir Simonn & m'lord Santiago for 
> cleaning out the trash from the taverns.)
> Please forgive me if I missed anyone.
> Selina of the Wood
> Seneschal
> Barony Bordermarch

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