[Bordermarch] Re: Bordermarch Digest, Vol 20, Issue 17

Ladiehawke ladiehawke42 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 26 18:27:59 PST 2005

I am new at SCA and have only been to one event with Gates Edge.  So please forgive me if I am replying in the wrong format. Can you please tell me what email address I should send my reservation to?
Cecania Ennelyn Holland


We are but a week away from making the deadline, for pre-registering!!
Many have responded from previous missives, it is important to get your reservations in early.
Jan. 31, 2005 is the very last day to get those in... 7 days to go.
Please pass this along to your groups, or anyone within the coastal region whom wishes to follow our good King and Queen, to War.
Every Ansteorran is most needed at Gulf War, our victory depends upon it. 
Come and witness your family take the field. Shop at some of the best merchants in the known worlde. See olde friends, and meet some new ones. Thousands wish to see you there!

If you are able to make the journey with us, and are unable to pre-register... please send me your info regardless. I can accept any land request up until the end of Feb. 
This is what is needed:

1) SCA/mundane names

2) Tent size w/ropes

3) Group camping with, within the coast.. ie., Stargate, Loch, Seawinds, Gates-Edge, Bordermarch, Greywood...

4) Date of arrival

5) how many? any children under the age of 18?

6) Pre-registered y/n?

hope to see you soon,

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