[Bordermarch] 2 News Items

Ben & Liz Lee benliz at ev1.net
Mon Jul 11 20:09:12 PDT 2005

2 News Items
(1)  Her Excellency Baroness Armuin Dunvegan is hospitalized.
We visited her this evening.  She is in tremendous spirits, with hilarious jokes and puns, but aching from head to toe.  Nothing broken.  She has been doing regular re-hab therapy. Is prayerful and thankful for all of your prayers for her recovery.

(2)  Home to Ansteorra, Bordermarch, Therese' d'Ivorie is settled back home after her couple of years work-study-work in Gleann Ahbann.  She is jumping right back in with both feet. Watch for her at Fighter Practices and guild meetings, Populace, group projects, etc, for your own personal reunion.Therese ia a tremendous asset to the barony.

Not as important... but a request... If you and I exchange off-list messages, could you please email with a subject line of  "Test" to my address?  I am needing to totally reconstruct the addy book on this mail program after this computer being a little out of order recently.

ben liz @ e v 1 . net   (typed with no spaces)
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