[Bordermarch] Coronation

HE Armand De Lacy baron at bordermarch.org
Sun Jul 10 12:56:22 PDT 2005

Family and Friends...

This past weeks end, was a celebration echoed throughout this Kingdom. Coronation was a great time had by all. Bordermarch was in attendance with gifts sent by you.

Representing this noble barony was: HE Count Sir Simonn, HE Countess Mistress Tessa, HE Armand, Ld Sterling, Ld Phocas, Ld Elrique,  Ldy Padraigen, Ld. Thorkin, Ldy 'Momma Cammie", Gabrielle, and Lylliane. We arrived safely and were greeted by many dear friends of this Kingdom. Many anticipate a great number to Autumn Melees. Words were sent of warm wishes and support for Bordermarch. The banner hung proudly in the great hall, surrounded by those others that make up Ansteorra. HE Thomas of Tinby, Baron of Bryn Gwlad met with those of us in attendance..he sends his best wishes unto all as well. Her Grace, Duchess Willow sat with us at Feast. She shared wonderful stories and hopes of seeing the Barony again soon. Our dear friends, Duke Patrick Michael and Dutchess Julia send love and hopes of another great event in November. They too have an event in November, Three Kings. I hope many can go and support them and their great shire Rosenfeld, prior to Melees. 

Kings Champion Tournament was prior to Coronation.... 22+ warriors entered to vie to protect our Good King, Jason II. Our Champion, Centurian Tomas, did very well.... He made it to the finals. He and Centurian Yishfiel fought honorbly, with Yishfiel taking the victory. Our Archery Champion, Don Christophoro will be getting in touch with us soon... he wants to help with our archey supplies and local archer practise. 

Membership counts have come...Bordermarch has 52 paid members. This is ok for our size, but we are stronger than this. A membership drive is needed to improve this. Another Garage Sale, or any thing offering a fundraising drive. With $ towards rentals, memberships, or perhaps purchasing power for another Feast Pavillion. A challenge sent by Don Ericus is of a noble endeavor. The Borderkeep could be bigger, stronger and a start of many other projects of merit. A chapel, bell-tower and Great Hall are in the hopes of many. I am proud of Bordermarch and all she represents. Any and all ideas for growth are highly prized and needed. Who you are and what can be achieved is reflected throughout. 

Kings Round Table and Queens Champion are within the month of July. If you wish to go, lets get some wagons prepared. Share a ride with some, many would be thankful to have the company. Ansteorra wishes to see you more often. Let us not forget the Demo on the last wknd of August. This will be in Houston, at the museum of natural arts and science. The museum is holding on loan, the costumes, weapons and sets from the Lord of the Rings movies. Many people from all over are attending the viewing. There is a sign-up to get in free, I will send it ASAP to this list. Our friends from all parts of this Kingdom will be in attendance to help make it a success. Please bring all of your Arts and Science projects...they wish to share these. No matter if you just started or you are an experienced artisan. You could inspire the next new member to try and give to the arts community. Warriors of every disipline are highly prized too.

much love to you all...Armand
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