[Bordermarch] A Challenge

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 2 20:09:30 PDT 2005

What a GREAT idea!!!  We're in!!!
L. Santiago and L. Elizabeth of Green Mountain Keep

Bill C Burgin <ericus at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

Lady Helene and I would like to issue a challenge (can you feel the
competitive juices start to flow?).
As you all know, the castle is a long way from where we would all
like it to be. The work that has been done so far is phenomenal, but we
need more materials to start the next stage.
I believe that - even as tight as money is - every adult in this
Barony could manage to come up with $5 per payday ($10 would be better!).
That's only $10 (or $20) per month!
I have been unemployed before, so I know how tight money can be.
But, even when I lived from hand to mouth, I know I managed to come up with
$10 a month for things I really wanted (yes, I'm a smoker).
What we are asking is that you want this bad enough to donate $10
(...$20) a MONTH - on a regular basis. While this may not sound like much
to some people, the sheer number of members we now have would make this
barony's dreams come true very quickly. At $10 per month, each adult in the
barony would have contributed $120 by the end of a year. With almost 50
adult members in our Barony, that would add approximately $6,000 to the
Castle Fund! 
$6,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EVERY YEAR! After the Castle is finished, there is the Feast Hall, the
Chapel, and then the Village, etc.
Of course this is a sales pitch! But please remember 2 things:
1) It's only $5 or $10 dollars a payday
2) We have to want it bad enough - do you?

In service to Bordermarch, Ansteorra, and 
The Dream

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