[Bordermarch] Basic Cadet Training

Alexandria Penrose alexandriapenrose at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 27 17:29:03 PDT 2005

I regret that I haven't been able to visit with my friends at the Bordermarch fighter's practice but life continually got in the way over my short summer.  Now I have less than two days before I fly out to the Air Force Academy for Basic Cadet Training.  For the next six weeks, I won't be able to check my e-mail but would still love to hear from you!  My address at the AFA is:
Basic Cadet Shari Wilson
P.O. Box 3637
USAF Academy CO 80841-3637
With any luck, I will be able to come down during my visits back home.  I already miss my friends in the SCA.  I appreciate everyone's support!
Thank you!
Alexandria Penrose
Shari Wilson

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