[Bordermarch] Fwd: Don't Forget

HE Caitrin De Lacy baroness at bordermarch.org
Sun Nov 13 23:32:43 PST 2005

LadyVal at aol.com wrote:From: LadyVal at aol.com
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 22:33:59 EST
Subject: Don't Forget
To: Longlegs9574 at aol.com, Chawee at aol.com, ardoin at bucaneer.net,
baron at bordermarch.org, lisabaumer at yahoo.com, pcb720 at webtv.net,
bordermarch at yahoogroups.com, k_brantley at hotmail.com,
ericus at sbcglobal.net, lil-ebee-doll at webtv.net, Amberlea at aol.com,
callahantukdbpfcms at homehouse-mortgage.com, Egs43 at aol.com,
slovaczek at juno.com, slovaczek at sbcglobal.net, dragonut at swbell.net,
tessag at ev1.net, cre8tivtess at yahoo.com, thetexladi at sbcglobal.net,
valencia at baromess.sca.org, valencia at baroness.sca.org,
kwc3f at netzero.net

Greetings Friends,
Just a reminder to bring items to donate to "Valencia's Vintages" at Melees on Saturday morning-all proceeds going to Baronial discretionary funds for relief efforts.  My booth should be set up early Saturday morning on "merchant's row" off the road.  If you want to rid yourself of the "stuff" on Friday night, my step-daughter says she will be camping near Selina and Antoine (Cindi and Darren) so you can drop the items off with her then.
Also, Baroness Caitrin will have the basket auction at the same booth, so be prepared to indicate your "silent bid"  for these wonderful baskets also.  This will be a booth you will not want to miss.
Looking forward to seeing everyone,

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