[Bordermarch] Melees page(s) on the Website....HELP!!!

Martigan _martigan_ at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 2 19:47:48 PST 2005

During the White Scarf Circle, there will be a Cadet and Non-Scarf Party. 
More information to come.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Germanicus de Atlan" <ldgermanicus at hotmail.com>
To: <bordermarch at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 4:03 PM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Melees page(s) on the Website....HELP!!!

> Afternoon to everyone,
> I'm working on our website again, and want to plaster it with all of the 
> details on Melees, but....what ARE they?!!  Could all of you with "top 
> secret" info let me know what all I need to put on the website since now 
> will be the time when many far-travellers are looking for all the details 
> they can get.  Armand told me that the little country store on the corner 
> is gone and we'll have to go into town for gas and more, and I am starting 
> to add details about local restaurants, Walmart, hardware stores and so 
> on.  I really need your help here, so please let me know what YOU want to 
> see there.
> Also, feast and party info, MERCHANTS!!!, events, battles...get the 
> picture? Anyone know if we're doing children's combat this time?  Connor 
> (my steroid-sucking mutant son) is demanding an answer from me (Simonn, if 
> he doesn't get to fight this year, YOU get to explain to him this time!).
> Let me know what you want to see on the web, and thanks in advance,
> At your service,
> Germanicus
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