[Bordermarch] I have room for two at the inn

tessa tessag at ev1.net
Thu Oct 6 18:13:25 PDT 2005

Tessa here, checking back in after two weeks of adventure. 
Primo:  We have heard round-about from Karo that Armuin is SAFE, if frail, in Dallas! Praise!
Where are Caleb and Chrystal with the baby's due date to be born having been when Rita was here???
Qwendolyn called, driving in from Vermont with a U-Haul of commodities she collected to give to Red Cross at Ford here.  Her trailer home in Nederland has the side wall/s blewn off. Her husband and two kids have been staying with a friend in Nederland whose structure was sound.  She was bringing goods to support people with loss, while she herself has a major loss that she did not know all the details about.
Quendolyn/Gayle goes back to Vermont Monday.

We're home now, out of harm's way and relaxing a bit from the "survival" mode although. Zane is well, never having left A & M:  
Zane has his masters thesis defense Oct 13.  Please keep him in your thoughts.
Simonn and I are together, separated only when driving each of the two different vehicles for some lengthy "adventuahs." We are very thankful for the generosity of loved ones for sheltering you and us, and very thankful for the technology of computer communications.  It is humbling to read the messages stacked up, incoming.  
We went to Ron's (Whitewolfs) home north of Jasper, where the storm knocked out power.  We lived on a generator and volunteered at the shelter at the Lake on Hwy 255, 20 minutes from the Borderkeep, which, by the way, "stands" strong and whole amid many downed trees.  Mike and Big Mike lost the roof of Hill Top. They gave food to the shelters before it spoiled.
Our house is repairable. There was (still some are) many heavy limbs to cut our way through to get in.  The roof needs work.  The ceilings will need work.  One room lost carpet because downed gutters caused the storm to blast in along that wall.  We have chainsaws and ice chests functioning.  Electricity is on now.  The salt water rush killed fish in the fresh water LNVA canal and the stench in gigantic in the neighborhood.  Simonn's job requests employees to return Monday, Oct 10. My school district requested teachers today, Thursday, to prepare for students Monday Oct 10, Lumberton.  
Love and Misses,
 Hugs and prayers,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Darlene Vandever 
  To: Officers of Ansteorra ; Kiersted_N_Action at yahoogroups.com ; jhirling at gmail.com ; gatesedge at ansteorra.org ; baron at bordermarch.org ; Barony of Bordermarch ; stargate ; Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc. 
  Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 5:47 PM
  Subject: [Bordermarch] I have room for two at the inn

  Just my little part. If there are any SCA evacuees from the Bordermarch/Greywood/Port Arthur/ Livingston/Woodville area who need a bed and place to stay for the next few weeks, I have a bed for two to sleep in or a bed and a cot for separate sleepers. I can take small pets (1 or 2) or pets which can be put on leads in the yard. I have a BIG yard so the size of those pets could range up to the size of a horse if needed. I don't have a child friendly home so children would have to be pretty much babes-in-arms or nearly young adults. 

  I can be reached by cell 281 413-6194. Land line 281-259-0322. Email hlannes at ev1.net or annescvb at ev1.net  Call and we will work out details.



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