[Bordermarch] Bordermarch Baronials 07' prizes

Todd Reamey radiorepublik at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 29 20:03:25 PST 2006

Greetings everyone, 
  I hope this finds you all well. Thursday night at populace Malcolm and I asked people who are interested in making prizes for our upcoming Baronial Champions to please let us know. If you are interested in making something please contact us and let us know what you would like to donate and how many of each item. We have 4 champions and would like to have the bulk of their prizes come from the populace of the Barony. Things for their consorts are also welcome. 
  We are also looking for coordinators for Baronials. Lord Phocas is handling the merchants ( thank you so much). We need someone to head up gate, water bearing, 2 list mistresses (Chivalric and Rapier), and set up/tear down. Pleas let us know if you are interested in taking on one of the positions. We will be passing around sign up lists for everything else at January populace. Thank you all for any help that you may give, Malcolm and I truly appreciate it.

In service I remain,
The pretty barons lowly cadet

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