[Bordermarch] Higginbothams moving

Tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Mon Jun 5 19:33:38 PDT 2006

The below note is from the Pastor, 
John Higginbotham / Father Gilbert and Lady Marsilla of Lake Charles, 
the minister who has done weddings here for SCA and whose demos in Lake Charles we have frequented over the years.  
They were Bordermarch 12th Nite K - Q of Yule Misrule a few years back when we held 12th Nites at the old stone building at Terrell Park.

It was his close associates who last year planned and built, before H.Rita, the Green Dragon Inn,  the permanent building beside Security Gate at GW.  H.Rita did not hurt the Inn.

They were thinking of the populace here, to their "west," so are giving you  their moving notice.

Godspeed to them,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Higginbotham 
To: benliz at gt.rr.com 
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 8:46 PM
Subject: moving

Dear Simonn and Tessa,

We have been very late in letting you know that we will be moving.  
We have been transferred to Natchitoches and will be there June 12.  
We will miss being so close to all of our friends in Border March, but we will look forward to seeing you at Gulf Wars, if not before.  
Please share our news with all our friends in the west.

Your friend and servant always,

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