[Bordermarch] It's a Boy

Jackie Leslie jackie_leslie at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 23 04:45:14 PDT 2006

Thank you to Kandace for spreading the news. Mom, Baby, and Dad are all at 
Medical Center of Southeast Texas in Port Arthur Room 201 for anyone who 
would like to stop by or call. Dana and I are so proud we are very near to 
popping! Alex is a beautiful little boy who is the spitting image of his 

>From: kandace harris <thetexladi at sbcglobal.net>
>To: simonn&tessa <benliz at evl.net>, Janis Terrell <ladyval at aol.com>,  
>Richard <commander at mongoumegen.com>, shadowlandssca at yahoogroups.com,  
>Wesley <slovaczek at sbcglobal.net>, jalinda martin <LadyMaisie at aol.com>,  Max 
><matrix360 at yahoo.com>, Graywood <graywood-l at TITAN.EDU>,  jackie Leslie 
><jackie_leslie at hotmail.com>,  Ansteorra <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>,  Barnoy 
>of Bordormarch <bordermarch at ansteorra.org>,  Charla Clark 
><mcharla_2 at peoplepc.com>
>Subject: It's a Boy
>Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 18:30:12 -0700 (PDT)
>   Greeting to all,
>        It is with great pleasure that I bring good news.
>           For those of you who have the honor of knowing Troy "Buddy" 
>Allen (SCA Rohan) , one of Bordermarches finest.I would like to announce 
>that on June 20,2006 , Buddy graduated # 1 in his schooling out of Ft. 
>Sill, Okla. He also was chosen as top leader of his Group.
>        That was Yesterday......
>        Today, June 22,2006, He became a Father for the first time.  Buddy 
>and he wife Jamie had a 7lbs., 5ozs,  baby Boy, named "Mason Alexander" 
>Mother and child are doing wonderful.
>       Buddy will be in very late tonight and will be available day after 
>tomorrow for visits.
>    A new star shines over Ansteorra tonight ...Please make Him welcome....
>    Vivat  ROHAN    Vivat JAMIE
>            Vivat    ALEX
>    InService Always,
>   Ly Kandyce of Oakclyffe
>It's nice to be important..but....It's more important to be 
>nice...Ly.Kandyce of Oakclyffe

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