[Bordermarch] Lost money

Bill C Burgin billcburgin at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 26 11:53:02 PST 2006

Hello, all

My Boy Danny was at Melees and lost some money - not
surprising, he's 11 and had his hand in and out of his
pouch 50 times during the day!  This would have been
on Saturday, and the amount was $32 in a combination
of one $10, two $5, and twelve $1 bills.  This was the
amount he had left after doing a little shopping (he's
got more money than I do!).  If anyone found this
money please contact me - there is a $50 reward for
the safe return of the $32.

Thanks, Ericus the Silverhand
billcburgin at yahoo.com

Just kidding about the reward!


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