[Bordermarch] Saturday bath house

Tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Wed Nov 29 19:39:28 PST 2006

8:00 A. M. Saturday,
Any hands who are available to join in at Jones Country for the application 
of hardiboard to the second bath house are welcomed. Mike's intent is to 
refurbish them to look like English cottages.  Mike has furnished the 
Recently, 11 people, Diego and Catalina, Santiago and Elisabeth and daughter 
Cleah, Aaron and Kemela, George, Gavan, Simonn and myself worked on the 
first bath house and started taking the strip boards off the second one.
The first one already has the new hardiboard surface all around. The second 
bath house is ready for the hardiboard while the first one is ready for a 
coat of paint and for the strip boards to be put on.


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