[Bordermarch] Unless I'm mistanken...
Bill C Burgin
billcburgin at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 19 20:48:26 PDT 2006
Now hold on a minute! You can NOT blame that sweet
Lady for global warming! Simonn talks a lot more than
she does, therefore he is putting more CO2 into the
Ericus ;{>
(supplying enough CO2 for a 3rd world country all by
--- Germanicus de Atlan <ldgermanicus at hotmail.com>
> Isn't today Bordermarch's birthday??!
> If so, hooray for us!,
> If I missed the date, then....it's Tessa's fault.
> And so is global warming,
> and losing Pluto as a planet, and "Red Tide,"
> and....
> Germanicus
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