[Bordermarch] (Off Subject) helping out the local actors accouncement

Bill C Burgin billcburgin at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 22 14:04:46 PDT 2006

Thank you, Excellency, for remembering!
Bill B./ Ericus 

--- LadyVal at aol.com wrote:

> Several years ago, the last time the Port Arthur
> Little Theatre did  the 
> production of "Death Trap, I was the producer and
> also did props and helped  
> backstage with special effects.  It was a terribly
> exciting play, and the  thunder, 
> lightning, rain, and "murders" kept the audience on
> the edge of their  seats 
> during the entire show.  Every night, people left
> laughing and  crying.  This 
> ought to be a great play.
> The Port Arthur Little Theatre has appreciated the
> props and the  technical 
> assistance of Bordermarch many times before.  We
> were really  appreciative of 
> Bill Burgin, who worked with some of our actors on
> several plays  that had 
> rapier fighting in the show.  He did an excellent
> job of teaching  the actors how 
> to fight, swing their blades, and fall correctly. 
> And some  of us wore our 
> SCA garb in "Cinderella" several years ago.  And
> then there  was "Man of La  
> I suppose we are all actors and actresses at heart,
> after  all.
> Isnt that why we wear funny costumes -because we are
> "in a  play"?
> Valencia
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