[Bordermarch] Fwd: [Gleann Abhann] Katrina and Rite-Please forward

John Higginbotham revhigg at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 18 13:40:29 PDT 2007

Dear Neighbors,  Please forgive the bandwidth.  I know that many of you in the barony were affected by Rita and that this message is meant for you all as well.  Yours in Service to the Dream,  Marcilla le Despenseure(Loch Bais   formerly of Blackmoor Keep)

mdaphne at aol.com wrote:  To: gleannabhann at yahoogroups.com, BaronyofSeleone at yahoogroups.com
From: mdaphne at aol.com
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 15:18:39 EDT
Subject: [Gleann Abhann] Katrina and Rite-Please forward

        Dear Gentles,

Lest we think the Known World has forgotten, please forward the following to 
any and all who may be interested. AND please nominate those who will not 
come forward on their own.

In Humble Service,

Mistress Daphne of Colchester

Greetings All From Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville from the Kingdom of

This is a letter addressed to all of those people who were affected by
Hurricanes Katrina or Rita. When these tragedies first hit everyone wanted
to help out and felt helpless in knowing what was the best way to do so.
Those of us in the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 'adopted' the Barony of
Seleone and delivered goods to those there, hoping in some way to help ease
the burden. Many others in Northshield (and of course other areas) helped
in other ways. Those of us who can really have no idea of what you all went
through those many months ago, and are still recovering from to this day,
are still willing to help out where and when we can - though we have often
wondered how.

I had an idea that had come to me late in the year after Hurricane Katrina
came through but I think it was and idea before its time. Too many people
had lost too much to be able to even comprehend what they needed to replace
in their regular lives let alone what they wanted to replace in their SCA
ones. My idea was to ask you, those who lost so much, what one item from
your SCA life that you would dearly love to replace that you lost. We would
like to put this proposal before you now. I have talked to a couple of
people that were affected by Katrina and they say that the need is still
there. They did say that many will say that they 'have enough' to get by in
the SCA or they'll "get by" with what they have. We would like to help you
do a little bit more than that and would be grateful if you would allow us
do to. We have so many people who love to give of themselves and help
others in a sincere attempt to help those that are friends, mayhaps friends
we have never met, but perhaps someday...... We know you are all able to
make due with what you have and make it on your own but let us help you with
one thing that you would not replace right now, as the effort or dollars
would be better spent elsewhere.

My proposal is to ask that if you have an items that you would like to see
replaced, please tell me about it and I will do my best to see that you get
it. I cannot promise the impossible but I will do my best to honour every
request in the most appropriate way that I can. Depending on the items we
may have to purchase it outright but for some items we will ask the artisans
of the SCA is they can help out. For example if someone lost their library
and one book's loss is most keenly felt we will research the best place to
find a replacement copy, if it is a feasible amount we will purchase it and
get it to you. If it was a scroll that you lost we will find a person to
make you a new one. If you can tell us the details on the scroll - or even
have a picture of it, we can get as close a copy as we can get made or make
a totally new one. Other items might be, a pieces of armour, a sewing
machine, serger, fabric, a piece of garb, a tool used for your trade,
calligraphy supplies, camping stuff (sleeping bags, air mattress etc), feast
gear, etc. I am sure the list goes on forever.

For this project you can nominate yourself or you can nominate someone else.
We are giving the option of someone nominating someone else because it was
pointed out to me that many will not ask for themselves but others know that
that person really does have a need. If this is done I will contact the
person whose name is put forth and see if they would like us to help them.
Many people lost so much but I also know that some groups and Baronies lost
all of their Baronial 'stuff'. You can nominate to get something replaced
for the group as well.

The monies to support this project will be raised through various
fundraising efforts at SCA events. One of which is the production of a CD
that was made with the intent of raising funds for Gulf Coast members of The
Society For Creative Anachronism. Arthur Slaughter (THL Finnr Bjornsson),
June Zenner-Tyrrell (Lady Aelfraeda of Shattered Oak) and Karen Kahan
Wyndreth Berginsdottir) recorded six tracks of storytelling and song as
“Ragnar the Revolting,” “Twa Corbies,” and “Wyndreth Berginsdottir.” One 
the songs on this CD is titled "For Those Who Face the Flooding", and is
amazing as are all Mistress Wyndreth's songs.

An unfortunate series of events prevented the release of the resulting CD.
Until now.

I will be the main point of contact for this project. My information can be
found below. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else please
e-mail me the following information with "A Benefit for our Friends" in the
subject line:

Person writing in: Real and SCA Name, US mail address, e-mail and phone
Person/group they are nominating (if applicable): Real and SCA name, US mail
address, e-mail and phone number (If nominating a child please include
their parents names so I can contact them)
Local group name
What item they would like replaced, what it is and a detailed description of
the item
Kingdom events or interkingdom events (such as Pennsic) that you will be
attending in the future.

The details of this project can be found at
I can be reached at (262)513-1271, tatianam at ameritech.net or through the
above website. If you have questions, want to nominate or would like a copy
of the CD (which is $10).

Please allow us to help you,

In Service,

Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville
Kingdom of Northshield
Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr

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