[Bordermarch] Bordermarch at King's Round Table

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Sun Jul 15 20:39:31 PDT 2007

At July 14, 2007 King's Round Table hosted in Shadowlands/College Station 
in the reign of Ulsted the Unsteady III and Ebergardis von Zell,
all Bordermarchers present (six) attended the Great Officers of State Meeting (open).
The GOOFS Meeting was attended by some estimated 180 Ansteorrans where business was announced by
Regional Officers, each in turn, and then by Kingom Officers, each in turn.

(1) Bordermarch web page was praised by the Kingdom Virtual Scribe HL Chiara Francesca when she was giving her report.
Not only was it praised as beautiful, historical, and informative... it was the ONLY web page she mentioned in general session.

(2) Bordermarch MoC: Kudos from Mistress Adria: being the ONLY Coastal group with a warranted MoC, *and* *has* a deputy!
Many of the some40 groups across Kingdom do not have an MoC.

(3)  The following Bordermarch officers are recognized by their each and several Regional Officers for being up to date with communications and good reporting habits:
HOSPITALER, MoC; and scrolls are consistently received for SCRIBAL.
The Kingdom Chronicler did not mention a delinquency nor kudos in Bordemarch specifically but spent a bit of time mentioning the process and changing cost of printing Black Star, his new Office. 

(4) Bordermarch Waivers are all cleared from a February 2007 fighter practice where there had been a question about a youth waiver signed in consideration of "everyone signing in" as is the habit here; and the youth and parent are both blue card holders. 
Also it is noted on the Kingdom Waiver Page on line that the April 2007 event waivers were sent to Waiver Secretary but apparently lost in the U.S. Mail. A resolution is being sought in communications between the Coastal Regional Seneschal -Lady Brenna, the Kingdom Seneschal -HG Duchess Julia, the Waiver Secretary -Madame Perronelle, and Bordermarch's Seneschal, Countess Tessa. Meanwhile, regular fighter practices continue according the Lady Brenna.

26 classes were presented.
One of our members taught the Historian Class.

(5)  Baron & Baroness of Bordermarch attended the B & B Meeting with Their Royal Majesties.
      [Editorial note: The same line of thinking as first announced by Their Excellencies newly into their term]
      was announced by Their Majesties: 
      at functions of the SCA: the return to more courteous and formal, respectful address and conversation. 
(6)  B & B of Bordermarch, Treas, and Sen officers attended the Exchequer's Instuctional Class & the Treasury Forms Class.
      Bordermarch was given kudos and thank yous verbally in front of some 40 persons at the 
      Exchequer's and Treasury Forms Classes, for turning out in large numbers in effort for education and 
      evidence of solution to situations which can occur at Gate.
(7)  B & B of Bordermarch and Seneschal attended the Treasury Forms class.
(8)  Bordermarch Treas attended the Gate Class
(9)  Bordermarch Rapier Mar and Dep K Mar attended all the following classes: 
      Marshallate Meeting; Marshal Training Focus: New Rules; and Rapier Marshal Classes.
(10) Along with a presentation of notes sent from absent Mistress Annes, a History spreadsheet 
      on line at Ansteorra's web site (and Bordermarch's web site) 
      was demonstrated to 16 persons attending Historian Class 
      who were thankful for its exsitence and eager to adapt it to their own local group. 

Note:    Current Total Paid Membership in Ansteorra as of May 31, 2007 is 1959, 
            an increase from January 1, 2007, when the count was 1940 and
            a decline from January 1, 2006, when the count was 2026.

            Current Total Paid Membership in Bordermrch as of May 31, 2007 is 65, 
            down from January 1, 2007, when the count was 67 and
            increaded from January 1, 2006, when the count was 45.

Prior Population Trend in Barony Bordermarch:: 
Jan  2005:   52
Dec 2003:   48
Jun 2002:    43
Jly  2001:    40
Dec 2000:   36
Dec 1999:   41
Dec 1998:   39
Dec 1997:   48
Dec 1996:   47
Dec 1995:   33
Dec 1994:   31
Feb 1993:   44
Nov 1992:   47
Jan 1992:   42

Schedule and Facilitators:
The event Schedule importantly included a day-long work room available for Charter Painting.
Also, a room particularly for young children where movies in their interest were shown all day.  

All scheduled sessions and their instructors included the following:

8:00  A.M. 
GOoFS Breakfast, closed meeting 

Local and Regional Seneschal Meeting by Duchess Julia
Local and Regional Exchequer Meeting by HL Isobail
Barons & Baronesses Meeting with TRMs 
Historian Class by Countess Tessa
Regional and DEM Mashals Meeting by Sir Jean Paul
Plenary Meeting, College of Heralds

Local and Regional Hospitaler Meeting by HL Vara
Financial Committee Meeting
Local and Regional A & S Meeting by Dame Clara
Virtual Scribe Meeting by HL Chiara
Marshals Meeting and Open Discussion by Sir Jean Paul
Herald Warranting Class

Minister of Children by Mistress Adria
Financial Committee Policy Class Exchequerer's Warranting Part 1 by Mistress Saundra
Local and Regional Chirurgeon Meeting by HL Genevieve
Local adn Regional Chronicler Meeting
Marshal Training Focus: New Rules by Sir Jean Paul
Herald Warranting Class continued

12:00 - 1:00 P.M. Sideboard Lunch

1:00-3:00  Great Officers of State Meeting (open) [Actually ran about 20 minutes over]

1:00- 3:20 
HG Duchess Julia, Kingdom Seneschal, presided over the GOOFS Meeting (open) 
in the Presence of Their Majesties Ulsted III and Ebergardis.
    Each Regional Officer in turn announced either kudos, good status, 
    or issues to address for each local group, asking groups with issues
    to have representatives communicate with them.
    Each Kingdom Officer rendered a State of the Office Report. 
    An announcement was made that on officer not reporting or reachable was removed.

    Lengthy discussion and populace interaction concerning the 
    forthcoming rulings that are expected about background checks.
    HG Duchess Julia will disperse the information as soon as she receives it.

3:00- [actually started about 20 minutes later]
Seneschal Warranting Class by Duchess Julia
Financial Committee Forms Class Exchequer's Warranting Part 2, by HL Sabine Lefevre
Gate Class by Mistress Saundra
Waterbearing 101 by Lady Aingeal
Marshal Training Focus: New Rules by Sir Jean Paul
Star Signet Procedures

Continued- Seneschal's Warranting Class by Duchess Julia
Continued- Financial Committee Forms Class Exchequer's Warranting Part 2, by HL Sabine Lefevre
Continued- Gate Class by Mistress Saundra
Chirurgeon 101 by HL Caley
Rapier Marshal Meeting by Don Dore
Scribal Meeting by Mistress Hilarry

Classes ended at 5:00, and the building needed to be empty (electonic lock) by 6:00 P.M.
And thus it was so.

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