[Bordermarch] Noble Luncheon at Melees

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 16 21:39:13 PDT 2007

Thank you to the Melees Stewards for conducting a very productive meeting tonight.  They will be letting you know more in the near future.
  I am writing to let our ladies and or gentlemen know that there will be a noble luncheon provided and I'm looking for any volunteers who might want to help me with this traditional gift of hospitality.  Budget has been set however food choices have not.  Any questions, comments, suggestions or volunteers welcome. Remember this is a War Event so we'll keep it very basic.  There will be no feast this year.  We are encouraging family, friends and households to get together and prepare their meals and we hope to get many taverns participating.  
  Again anyone interested in helping out with Noble Luncheon at Melees please call or e mail me anytime.  373-4259 Home 673-0897 cell
  Thanks so much,
  God's Grace,
  HE Elisabeth

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